Because our mission goes beyond tourism and the welcoming of our clients.

Logotipo Turismo de Natureza


The National Park recognises the exceptional botanical values of the biotype in here, allowing the Parque Cerdeira to be object of an Environmental Valorization Project.

IMG-0789 (002)


Our first action of environmental valorisation and social responsibility dates back to 1935, with the care and attention given by Trinta Lobos, a simple farm employee.

Parque Cerdeira Acessibilidade - Acesso ao Prado


Our ecological footprint and biocapacity are being evaluated by specialists from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro. Know the preliminary results




Biocapacity, Capture and Storage of Carbon in Parque Cerdeira

Together with the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, we are developing a study on the biocapacity of Parque Cerdeira, with the purpose of determining our ecological value, in terms of resource supply and waste management.

In fact, Parque Cerdeira has a biologically useful area of aproximately 5,2 ha, composed by trees, bushes and a variety of other plants, especially the meadow area, that according to the preleminary results points to:

– Annual Carbon Retention per capita equivalent to 130kg / customer / year;

– Annual Carbon Capture of 10.5 ton / year.


Replenishment of organic matter

Each year, we are trying new working methods aiming to the conservation and valorisation of the natural heritage of Parque Cerdeira.

This year we collected the leaves leaves that were mechanically crushed and immediately returned to the soil, with the aim of maintaining the natural composting process, but without harming the development of the smaller plants that renew themselves every spring and exuberantly spread in the whole space.

The certification  Nature Tourism, being a formality that recognises the good environmental practices, is an opportunity to systematise procedures and involve the whole team in the tasks necessary to the  valorization of natural resources.

We continue a responsible activity of reduced impact, to offer our clients unique moments in contact with the nature, of leisure and healthy rebalancing.


Certification of Seeds

Since 2014 Parque Cerdeira has its Oaks (Quercus róbur), certified for the harvesting of seeds of this autochthonous species and registered in the “Registo Nacional de Materiais de Base” (Data base for the certified producers of seeds).